Courage for life Blog

Forcing vs. Trusting

April 27, 2018

Many of us are driven to make things happen in our life, at work, at home or in a relationship. There is nothing characteristically wrong with ambition. But there are times when we try to do for ourselves what only God can.

“When God is in it, it flows. When the flesh is in it, it’s forced.” Joyce Meyer

Here’s one good way to know if we’re working in the natural vs. working in the Spirit: anytime we feel frustrated, we can be sure we’re working in our flesh. The feeling of frustration signals an attempt to make something happen that only God can make happen.

Typically, we try to make something happen that is just not going to happen and then we don’t understand why it’s not happening. We then tell God, “I don’t understand what’s going on.” Then we ask Him, “What do you want me to do? I’m doing all I know to do, but it’s still not happening!”

But God’s not asking us to do anything- but to do our part and trust Him for the results. When we do our part and then get out of His way, we won’t feel frustrated. We’ll be in a place of perfect peace because we’ve surrendered the results to Him. The Lord gets things done in His timing, and His way, by His Spirit- not by us pushing.

“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty.” Zechariah 4:6

When we feel anxious and out of control, and when we want something so desperately, we often begin forcing things to happen to try to get the results we want. Forcing never brings the results we desire- not without a negative impact on people, projects, relationships, or even on our own lives.We need to withhold ourselves from forcing to make sure God is in it.

Unless God specifically tells us to push through on something until the door opens, it’s wise to let Him open doors and bring about the results.

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. We should not let ourselves be overcome by discouragement, fear, worry or anxiety, but trust God and His ways and timing. It’s not by our own human strength, ideas, skills, wisdom, or pushing, but it’s in the power and the Spirit of the Lord Almighty if indeed He is in it.

Our minds must be disciplined and allow spiritual truths to lead us, otherwise, we will create a division in our life. Our test is not success, but our faithfulness to God is. When we prayerfully decide things, we will know if we’re pushing when God places a check in our Spirit. When He prompts us to stop, we must respond. It’s the inner check of our Spirit that keeps us from relying on our own perspectives. It’s our wisdom to follow foresight but an error to force it.

It’s always easier not to trust. But today, will you surrender all control and fear to God? Will you trust that He is more than able by His Spirit to do His good and perfect will in your life in His timing?

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

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