Courage for life Blog

Living in the Moment

July 13, 2018

Our moments are what make up our day and ultimately our life. Often, our minds are anywhere but where we are. When our body is in one place and our thoughts elsewhere, we can miss pieces of life, miss what God is doing in the moment, or a relationship opportunity. Reliving the past, attached or obsessing over outcomes in the present or future makes it impossible to live in the “now”… which is where we can find and engage God.

I studied and worked as an actress for some time and one important element of truthful acting is to learn to “Live in the moment”. This means getting and staying committed to listening to what your scene partner is saying and doing, thus responding in a truthful way. It means being focused and directly connected with your scene partner. It means living in those spaces, not speeding through them at 100 mph nor shifting into auto-pilot. It also means not over-thinking your next line, you’re last blocking movement or your current hand prop.

Real life is much the same way. We may think we’re living in the “now” but we’re often somewhere else. Living and staying in the moment is challenging- thoughts distract us, that’s why practicing focus is important.

If we’re going to enjoy life, we need to be where God is- He is in the “now” and He’s working in and through us in the very place our footsteps take us.

God doesn’t want us to continually rehash our broken places in the past, we’ve already lived it once, it is dead and gone “now”. He never meant for us to relive it multiple times.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

Isaiah 43:18-19

Live in the present – focus on what God is doing now, and put your hope in what He will do in the future.

As believers, we have faith and hope in a blessed future in God and expect good things to come from Him- “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

But when our thoughts about the present or future outcome of events become a distraction or obsession, we’ve crossed the line of living in peace and in the “now”. Trusting God for future outcomes allows us to focus on the present- which is precisely where we’ll find Him. We’ll also find trusting God invites peace in our moments.

Living in the moment helps produce a quality life when we:

  • Spend time in solitude. Solitude allows time to seek God, to know one’s self, think through, reflect on, discover the unknown, come up with creative ideas and solutions. Solitude with God along with self-examination with no distractions produces depth of soul, heart, mind, and spirit.
  • Connect fully with our kids, friends, neighbors, parents, co-workers, and even strangers- without using technology as our primary communication if at all possible. Being completely available to them and giving them our undivided attention.
  • Spend time, enjoy, and interact with our God-given great outdoors.
  • Work, because when we work, we work unto the Lord. He is at work in and through us in the place where He’s assigned us.

Living wholly in these spaces fully connected and engaged is a healthy way to live mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Living in the moment is a life well spent. Where are you living your moments?

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