Courage for life Blog

Salvation to Sanctification

November 28, 2017

“For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification.”

1 Thessalonians 4:7 (NASB)

From the moment we surrender our lives to Christ, God views us as clean and pure because He sees the righteousness of Jesus in us (Hebrews 10:10). From that day forward, we embark on a Spiritual Growth Journey, growing in our knowledge and understanding of God and His Word; a process that ultimately leads us to become more like Christ.

As we grow spiritually, the Holy Spirit strengthens our ability to resist sin by drawing us closer to our heavenly Father and His Word. Spiritual growth is accomplished through two critical components:

  1. By the power of the Holy Spirit that comes to live in us at the time of our salvation (Galatians 5:16).
  2. By the power contained within the Word of God when we read it and apply it to our lives (John 17:17).

These two components equip us for life (2 Timothy 3:17). Through the work of the Holy Spirit and our growth in the knowledge and understanding of the Bible, we are continually transformed into the person God wants us to be.

If we neglect the second necessary component, the study of God’s Word, we settle for spiritual growth that is slow and full of roadblocks. But, when we study, understand, and apply God’s Word to our lives, we begin to exchange a stagnant or slow-paced spiritual growth journey for a steady and fulfilling one that will bring glory to God and transformation to our lives.

God’s Word is transformational ~  

But only at the pace and depth at which we expose ourselves to it!

When I was saved at age nineteen, my eternity was sealed. But, my spiritual growth journey was just beginning. Over the next twenty years, my walk with the Lord moved at a snail’s pace. But in 2004, that changed. Due to a crisis in my life, I developed a desperate need for a closer relationship with my savior and I began to study His Word in-depth. The more I studied the Bible, the more I understood God and His relationship with mankind. The deeper dug, the more I fell in love, and the more I fell in love, the deeper I wanted to go.

It’s up to us to determine the pace of our spiritual journey. From my personal experience, I know that “life changes” when we listen to the guidance of the HOLY
Spirit and invest time in the study of God’s Word.

Join me today in being intentional about your spiritual growth:

  1. Spend quiet time daily with the Lord.
  2. Read and meditate on the God’s Word daily.
  3. Join a Bible Study group and share what you are learning with others.

What ways are you investing in your relationship with God and His Word?

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