Courage for life Blog

The Gift of Forgiveness

March 1, 2018

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” Matthew 6:14

Do you realize that forgiving someone is actually a gift to yourself and holding onto unforgiveness actually leads to bitterness and pain that keep you stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts and emotions?

Forgiving someone who has hurt us is not a feeling or an emotion, it’s a choice. First, we choose to forgive, and then our emotions begin to heal as God mends our heart.

Forgiveness is not contingent on the other person’s attitude, response or even on reconciliation.  Forgiveness “is” about our attitude, our response and our reconciliation to Him and His precious son, Jesus.

Truly, the greatest gift we can give ourselves is to let go of our hurt and trust God with our hearts and future.   We can trust Him completely with every aspect of our lives!

I’m overwhelmed by the forgiveness and grace God extended to me throughout my life.  Forgiveness is nothing short of pure grace.  I didn’t deserve it –– but He chose to give it to me anyway –– that’s the powerful message of Jesus.  We don’t deserve God’s immeasurable gift of salvation through Christ, but He gave it to us anyway.  How could we not forgive others when God unconditionally forgives us?

Forgiveness won’t help us resolve the past, but it will allow God to open doors to our future. He will turn our ashes into beauty and give us a message to share with others.

Is there someone in your life you need to forgive? Let me urge you to forgive – regardless of the other person’s choices or decisions – not simply from your emotions, but as a choice to trust God completely with your future. He is Faithful and always knows what’s best. Trust Him and He will restore you in ways you never dreamed possible.

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