Courage for life Blog

Waiting for the Next…

March 16, 2018

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

It seems like we’re always waiting- waiting in line at the grocery store, waiting for the doctor, waiting for the phone call, the test result, the answer to our prayers. Waiting feels passive, doesn’t it?

Our personal perspective of waiting makes all the difference. Waiting is not passive-  waiting is actively trusting God.

To wait on God means taking an active role vs a passive mindset. I was talking with a friend yesterday and he compared waiting on God to a waiter in the restaurant. A waiter is active – assigned to our table, by the restaurant, to take our order and deliver our meal. A waiter’s goal is to keep his or her eyes focused on the cares and concerns of the guests in the restaurant.

God has similarly designed you to interact with Him – all day – every day. Confident praying and trusting Him with your next – your next job, your next relationship, your next financial breakthrough. He has designed us to stay in communication with Him as we go about our day.  He has created us to stay in an attitude of gratitude and confidence that His plan is good and that He cares about every detail of our lives.

Remember that the greatest people in the bible all went through a period of waiting and uncertainty-  but also note that in their time of waiting they were actively pursuing God and the destiny He created them to accomplish! Noah spent 100 years building an ark with no rain, David waited for God’s timing to be king while being pursued by King Saul, Moses waiting to be used by God to deliver His people, Esther waiting to for such a time as this to save a nation, Joseph waiting for dreams to become reality, Paul waiting 3 years before his ministry began… and then waiting to get out of prison, although this is where he wrote most of the New Testament. Job waiting for restoration and an answer from God…  And Jesus waiting 33 years to become the ultimate sacrifice.

Stay the course! Don’t lose faith. Actively, purposely wait on the Lord! He has put a desire in your heart and He will fulfill it. Wait patiently, intentionally and actively on Him with a strong confidence – that although you don’t know what the outcome of this season of waiting – God does!

As you are waiting for the “next”? Start running towards the goal while directing your attention to God, in hopeful and confident gratitude and anticipation of what He will do! Knowing that God’s ability, far exceeds, my ability to change the outcome of my life and the lives of those I love.

Trust Him with every detail and maintain a hopeful and confident anticipation of what He has planned for your life. God has got you! And He has your NEXT…..


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