Courage for life Blog

4 Primary Components for Commitments

July 26, 2018

“Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk—not as unwise people but as wise— making the most of the time,  because the days are evil. So don’t be foolish, but understand  what the Lord’s will is.”  Ephesians 5:15-17 (HCSB)

Our Commitments impact everything we do. Each day, we are given a full twenty-four hours to work with. But, if you are like me, you may try to cram something into every little crevice of your day, leaving just enough time to sleep so you can get up and do it all over again.

When considering our commitments, we must ask ourselves four primary questions.

  1. What commitments have I made?
  2. What commitments do I need to make?
  3. Are there any commitments I need to eliminate?
  4. How dedicated am I to my commitments?

When making commitments, we must be mindful of where they fit into our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly schedules. In addition, we need to examine where they fit into God’s overall plan and purpose for our lives. Once we’ve carefully considered these factors and determined a necessary direction, we must avoid procrastination, get ready, and take action. But – we must be diligent to analyze and prioritize our commitments on a regular basis so we can avoid anxiety and maintain balance in our everyday lives and schedules.

Analyzing our commitments — sounds like a lot of work in-and-of itself, right? It is — but it can mean the difference between success and defeat — peace of mind and exhaustion. When we take the time to really consider our obligations, promises, and projects, think about the amount of time and effort each one requires, evaluate our dedication, and consider the level of importance for each one, we place ourselves in a much better position to make wise decisions regarding our schedules.

“Our commitments can develop us or destroy us, but either way,

they will define us.” Rick Warren

Remember, commitments require four primary components.

  1. Passion: We all have a spiritual temperature, and God never wants us to become “lukewarm.” (Colossians 3:23)
  2. Determination: We need to be willing to persevere. When the going gets tough — we must keep going. (Hebrews 12:1)
  3. Structure: We need to make plans, set goals, and make every effort to complete daily, weekly, and monthly tasks in order to fulfill our commitments. (Proverbs 21:5)
  4. Balance: We must strive for balance and avoid being overcommitted. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

“Jesus understood what it meant to prioritize and to balance in light of His human limits and how to focus on the truly important. We can learn a lesson from Jesus—it’s okay to have limits. It is okay to not be all things to all people all the time all by ourselves.” Richard A. Swenson

Isn’t it time for you to analyze your commitments?

Ask yourself the four commitment questions and implement the four commitment components, and make this year the year you manage your commitments and not allow them to manage you.

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