Courage for life Blog

An Undivided Heart

June 29, 2018

We will be presented many opportunities in our lifetime for our heart to be pulled in a variety of directions. Our worldly culture sets our heart up to be distracted and disloyal to God. God created our heart for one purpose- for Him. Only Him. But we have an enemy whose plan is to part our heart in two. It’s up to us to decide who our loyalty is to and to guard our heart against it parting in two.

Lord, give us undivided hearts.

If we have submitted our lives and hearts to Christ, then we must focus and keep our eyes on Him- alone.

“But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13,14

We can’t look behind and in front of us at the same time. In fact, it’s impossible to keep our eyes on two things at the same time. We’ll never win a race looking or running in two directions. To win, we must be focused on ONE thing, going in ONE direction, and having ONE purpose.

“A united heart is life to a man, but if the heart be cut in twain, in the highest, deepest, and most spiritual sense, he dies.” Charles Spurgeon

When we have one purpose, then we have one mind and one heart. But when we allow ourselves to be distracted and influenced by sinful passing pleasures and give in to our ungodly desires, we are double-minded, meaning we have a divided heart which splits our loyalty into two entities. We are neither entirely loyal to God and His Word, though we may profess it, rather we follow our own willful way, thus dividing it through our thoughts and actions.

Satan knows he can’t have our whole heart, but he’s more than happy to take half of it. He knows if he can have half, it will destroy our spiritual and natural life. People who are half committed, half in and half out, have one foot on one side of the battlefield and the other foot in the enemies camp can accomplish much destruction not only in their own life but also to those around them.

“Get in, get out, or get run over.” Joyce Meyer

James says, “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” Self-deception, self-reliance, and the lack of trusting God are ways a divided heart and mind begin their separation.

“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”Revelation 3:15,16

It’s clear that God hates lukewarm and neutrality. He wants us to choose whom we will serve this day, and then do it with all our might. David wrote,

“Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth. UNITE MY HEART to fear Your Name.” Psalm 86:11

God wants us to be completely His and honor His name. He is a jealous God and will not tolerate us sharing our heart with another love. Living out of two hearts, two personalities, and two souls is sharing our heart with another causing it to divide.

God wants to bless and prosperous us, but He can only do that if we choose to “live, move, and have our being in Him” (Acts 17:28). If we choose to love God with all our heart, all of our soul, all our strength, and all of our mind (Luke 10:27).

Have you submitted every area of your life to Jesus Christ just as He submitted his life unto death on a cross for you? Have you given Him your whole heart just as He has given His to you? Jesus longs for all of you, not half of you.

I encourage you to take that step towards Jesus today and hand him the key to your whole heart by trusting and relying on Him for your every need and diligently search for the treasure of truth in God’s Word.

God doesn’t do anything halfway and we shouldn’t either. Today, choose to live with an undivided heart and become a woman or a man of purpose.

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