Courage for life Blog

God-Designed Individuality

March 14, 2022

When you were a child, how did you spend your free time? Playing sports with friends in the neighborhood? Reading books under a favorite tree? Pretending to be a great explorer? Serving your stuffed animals tea? Childhood passions give us a glimpse into the uniqueness of each person.

God creates each person to be a unique individual.

In the Bible, we see God creating extroverts and introverts, consecrating some to be warriors and others to be scholars, appointing some as political rulers and others as prophets. God told the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah,

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:4-5).

God formed the intricate details of Jeremiah’s being, body, and soul to be what was necessary for a prophet to speak God’s heart to the nations of the world. Likewise, God created each one of us, being, body and soul, for unique purposes. Our Creator wove together our temperament, personality, and intellect for whatever was necessary to accomplish His purposes through us during our earthly lifetimes.

How can you discover your God-designed individuality?

If each of us is uniquely created, then how we discover our God-designed individuality? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Stay close to God.
    We stay close to God through the disciplines of prayer, studying and applying the Bible to their lives, worship, and fellowship with other believers. Although we all have personal strengths, our sinful human nature exists and must be redeemed and renewed by the Holy Spirit.
  2. Don’t compare yourself with others.
    Comparison robs us of contentment and joy. A multicolored koi fish was designed to swim, and an enchanting bluebird was designed to fly. We wouldn’t think of comparing the two creatures’ abilities to swim or fly. We are in awe of the beauty each one holds. But in our own lives, it is challenging not to compare ourselves with others who were created differently. Social media, used unwisely, feeds our fear of inadequacy. We must remember that some of us were born to “fly,” and others of us were born to “swim.”
  3. Spend time in prayerful reflection.
    When did you lose track of time as a child? What are you passionate about today? What do you find yourself doing when you feel most alive? Explore personality assessments, career aptitude tests, and/or spiritual gift tests. Keep in mind such tests can give direction but are not definitive.
  4. Obey what you know to obey in this moment.
    Success in the world’s eyes is measured in wealth and comfort; however, success in God’s eyes is measured in obedience. When political and spiritual leaders persecuted Jeremiah, he experienced loneliness and confusion. In difficult times, he pressed forward toward the light he could see. He worshiped God and took the next step. Often God will reveal a next step in our lives, and after we move forward, then reveal the next step.
  5. Pray for courage to be who God created you to be.
    Others may try and force us into a mold where we don’t fit. It takes courage to say, “No, that’s not who I am.” God touched Jeremiah when he felt weak and promised to be with him. God spoke to Jeremiah, and He will speak to us, too, through His Word, His Spirit, and other people.

Each person is a unique creation and has a unique journey. Our God-given identity is not haphazard or by chance. Would you rather be at a coffeehouse socializing with friends, or reading a book at home in front of a fire with a cup of tea? Would you rather be spending your time fixing meals for others, or would you rather be studying God’s Word to teach precious truth to others? Each person is wonderfully created, and all are needed to influence our world for Jesus Christ. Walk with God and be who He created you to be.

Check out a real-life story of embracing your God-designed individuality in last week’s blog where Courage For Life’s founder and executive director, Ann White, shares her journey toward uncovering her true self.

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