Courage for life Blog

Jesus Knows Me

June 16, 2017

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.” Jeremiah 1:5

We’re all familiar with the children’s song “Jesus loves me, this I know”. It was sung to me as a child and I sang it to my two boys. We so often hear about Jesus’ love, I think sometimes, we take His love for granted. The proof of His limitless love for us was demonstrated through His death on the cross. And, the power of His prevailing love for us was exhibited when He arose from the grave to defeat death once and for all.

Last week, I read a bumper sticker that said, “Jesus Knows Me – This I Love”. I immediately thought of the children’s song. But, as I read it – I actually absorbed the meaning of the words –– Jesus Knows ME!

I began considering this wonderful and comforting truth. Jesus knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb and He thought of every detail as we were being created. King David expressed it beautifully in Psalm 139:14“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Not only did Jesus know us before we were born, but Jesus knows us now and He knows every detail of our lives. He knows our strengths, weaknesses, joys, sorrows, and the desires of our hearts. And, His heart’s desire is that we share our heart and lives with Him.

Life can get messy. We all experience unexpected twists and turns – some happy and some heartbreaking. When I think about Jesus “knowing me” even in the middle of my mess, I am reminded that not only does He know me, but He loves me unconditionally, despite my mess.

What greater love and assurance can we have knowing that Jesus loves us and knows us?
Jesus loves me, this I know –– Jesus KNOWS me, this I Love!

Join me today in celebrating these exciting truths!

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