Courage for life Blog

Stepping Outside Our Comfort Zone

May 8, 2018

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged.

For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 (NLT)

Has God placed a dream in your heart?

Is He asking you to do something you believe is beyond your natural ability –– outside of your comfort zone?

Dreaming focuses on the future, it sees beyond our current circumstances and abilities and looks toward the possibilities of what could be. God gives us dreams and desires at all stages and ages of life. They are often an integral part of the direction our lives ultimately take.

At times, people discourage us from pursuing our dreams. Other times, our own internal judge is the discourager. If we ignore or suppress our dreams long enough, they will simply become distant memories, stuffed in the recesses of our minds, and will never have the opportunity to be realized and achieved. While it’s great to have friends and loved ones to protect us from following misguided or unsafe dreams, we must be careful that their concerns don’t discourage us from ever dreaming at all or keep us from pursuing ones God is genuinely calling us to pursue.

God often asks us to do things we’re completely unqualified and unprepared to do. Pursuing His Calling typically stretches our faith, takes us way outside our comfort zone, and can at times — be downright uncomfortable or even painful. Following God’s lead requires us to strengthen our faith and tap into our God-given courage.

As we embrace our God-given hopes and dreams, our natural courage and strength are often quickly replaced with fear. Fear that ushers in doubt and ultimately keeps us from moving forward with God’s perfect plan. But, rest assured, God never leaves after giving us an assignment. When God asks us to do something, no matter how difficult, He will always be with us and will always provide everything we need to accomplish His will. So, we need not allow our fears to overwhelm us or deter us from fully embracing the possibilities.

Philippians 4:13 reminds us, God will give us the strength we need to do everything He calls us to do. That doesn’t mean though, that our journey is going to be easy or painless. But, it does mean, God will give us the courage, endurance, and ability to complete any and all – God-given tasks He assigns us.

 Quite often, we need to be reminded to choose courage over fear, to boldly pursue God’s will, and to confidently count on Him every step of the way. No matter our age, background, or circumstances, we should all be encouraged to pursue worthwhile and God-inspired dreams. So be confident in God’s presence and provisions today, as you courageously step out in faith to embrace your God-given hopes and dreams –– even if they are outside the comfort zone!

What hope or dream has God placed on your heart today? What courageous steps will you take to begin pursuing your opportunities?

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