Courage for life Blog

Tapestry of Our Life

January 19, 2018

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13,14

As a teenage girl, I loved to play the piano and sing songs from Carole King’s Tapestry album.  I dreamed of being the American Idol of 1979, albeit far more of a dream than a realistic option.  My parents and siblings were serenaded (and were, very often, my captive audience) several nights a week as I belted out songs like, “It’s Too Late”, “I Feel the Earth Move” and “Tapestry”.

“My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue

An everlasting vision of the ever-changing view

A wondrous, woven magic in bits of blue and gold

A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold.”

Tapestry – by Carole King

Although I dreamed of being a singer like Carole King, I never considered how God, the Master Weaver, would ultimately weave together the tapestry of my life.  And I certainly didn’t anticipate the design for my life would have difficult  “knots and strings” on the underside.  Although the knots and strings are required to produce a beautifully unfolding picture with rich and royal hues, yet sometimes painful during construction, but ultimately pleasing in His sight and the sight of others.

Our lives are a tapestry, not only of the decisions we make but, ultimately,  the way that we trust God with the unknown outcome of our life’s story. We must choose to actively trust that God sees and knows the bigger picture and be assured He has a grand design in mind.

When we embrace the many facets of our life, we discover a masterpiece woven by the very hands of our Heavenly Father. Every moment is like a thread – some are brilliant and beautiful, others are tattered and torn. When we look only at the frayed threads, in our moments of isolation, they appear inferior and undesirable.  But when woven together by our Faithful God, our darker threads blend beautifully with our lighter more mellow ones. Our beauty coalesces with our pain as God weaves a magnificent tapestry, that ultimately is the beauty of the tapestry of our lives.

Do you recognize the work of the master weaver in your life? Are you willing to embrace the painful stitches that are necessary to create your life story as a work of art? Will you let go of your past and trust God with your future, allowing Him complete oversight of your life – unveiling the masterpiece of you?

Pray with me —

LORD, I am grateful for every thread You are weaving into Your handcrafted tapestry of my life.  I trust You to perfectly weave together the brightest and darkest threads, as I become a woven masterpiece of your faithfulness and love.

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